Pre-school information 2015


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Attached is all the information which you will also receive in your packs next week. This is a sneak preview for those of you who can’t wait for school to start on the 1st 🙂

preschool handbook 2015

information leaflet for parents 2015


The Village Preschool Moynalty calendar 2015

Leaving Cert History


My son who is in fifth year has decided he would like to take History at leaving cert as an extra subject. His words were’ I might as well make use of you mam!’ I just hope it wont all end in tears.

For students sitting the Leaving Certificate Exam in June 2016 the Document Based Question is
Dictatorship and Democracy in Europe 1920-1945 and so we have decided to start with this topic. My son is a visual learner and language would not be his strong point so how we approach this subject will be key to his learning.

We are going to begin by watching this 1992 movie, Stalin. I’ve never seen it before so we will leave a review in a couple of days. It is as an introduction to the topic.

I’d love some help with LC resources particularly to enable visual learners.

Also below see footage of the infamous Moscow show trial.



Playschool information packs for August 2014


Hi all,


The following information packs went out to you all in the post and you will receive them in the coming days. For those of you who simply cannot wait you can read all the relevant information required below. Also please keep a copy of the information for your future records.  Looking forward to seeing you all on the 28th 🙂


information-leaflet-for-playschool-2014 playschool-letter-2014 calendar-for-parents-2014





Oscar Romero, Liberation theology.


On a weekend away in Glasson Co. Westmeath recently we decided to attend Sunday mass in the local church. It was a lovely experience, a warm welcoming mass, parishioners who smiled and made us feel welcome, and a church who benefited from a priest who clearly loved his vocation and his church.

During the homily the priest spoke about liberation theology and the work of  Archbishop Oscar Arnulfo Romero a Roman Catholic priest who was murdered for his involvement in the campaign for civil rights in El Salvador. I have studied Romero and liberation theology in some detail during my degree and I wondered how best to transfer my learning into the classroom. More recently the new Pope Pope Francis appears to address many of the same issues as Romero, recently stating that the ‘Church must help the poorest , not discuss theology over tea’. Well said…

I have added a link to a Movie on Romero which I recommend for the classroom.

I’ve also attached a link to the Vatican website which addresses Pope Francis’s comments.

Information from the United Nations website on Romero the man.



Intel women in technology, scholarships for LC students…


Himself works for Intel and so when I spotted this information in the staffroom it interested me…

I don’t teach the relevant subjects and so I passed it onto the subject teacher.

If you know of a female student who is showing flair in the area of science or technology this would be a superb opportunity for her.

Intel pic

Announcing the Intel Shannon Women in Technology Scholarship Program

Intel’s success in Ireland has been built on the quality of highly skilled and educated people available in the country. Through the “Women in Technology” scholarship program, Intel hopes to increase awareness and encourage a new generation of high-achieving women to take up the challenge of a career in technology. Intel Shannon works closely with local schools and colleges to help ensure that our educational system continues to produce the exceptional quality of graduates that has helped to make Intel in Ireland so successful.

  • Scholarships for female school leavers, valued at €2,500 each per annum, entering specified four year undergraduate degree courses.
  • Scholarships for female students already placed in the first two years of relevant university degree courses, valued at €2,500 per annum, for remainder of their undergraduate courses.

The scholarship program includes opportunities for co-op placements and/or summer internships in the Intel Shannon workplace. To assist with career progression and further education; each scholar will be assigned a mentor from the Intel staff who can assist and provide advice on managing their academic career.

More information through the link below.